Work Your Ass, and You'll Get the Guy!

Work Your Ass, and You'll Get the Guy!

No, this is not an incentive to fuck (that could happen later after viewing). 

A co-worker of mine handed me a list he found on the Internet. I don't know how reliable the source is, and issues of what turns people on tend to be vague. In fact, it seems like every hour there's a list that pops up somewhere, ten body parts women find attractive in men, or what a gay guy finds hot on another guy, etcetera, etcetera. 


The list enumerates what women notice in a guy's cock: 

1. Color 
Woman Groping Ass

2. Head (specifically, shape; think: mushroom) 
3. Trim 
4. Clean 
5. Best Package 
6. Hairy 
7. Grower 
8. Curves 
9. Log 
10. False Advertising

No mention of cut or uncut here. Thus, I do wonder how closely the list would correspond to what gay men notice. 

But … and this is where it gets interesting. Many lists about what women find attractive in men don't even mention the cock. But then,

that elusive, unexplainable “some enchanted evening” attraction across a crowded room here must precede the revelation of the cock, probably a slower (much slower) process in women than many gay men. 

Here's one list (among many) from enumerating what women find most physically attractive in men (do some of these items match up with what gay men find attractive in other men?): 

1. Eyes 
2. Butt 
3. Hair 
4. Back 
5. Legs

The butt is number two. 

Now, I had read somewhere a some time ago that it might be number one for women (and gay men). But thinking about it, isn't that the initial sexual teaser? Like entering through the back door first before earning the front door? Of course, for gay men the back and front door end up becoming one space when that act occurs. 

Butt Couple

But think about that ass, guys. It's not like showing it off is a recent phenomenon. Think Roman gladiator gear, Elizabeth tights, Regency breeches and riding boots, American football player uniforms … men's bodies weren't always buried beneath flowing robes. In fact, in some patriarchal cultures, the women's bodies end up hidden, their faces veiled, while the men can show some skin, even bare chest. 

And currently, skinny jeans (if you can get away with them), have lifted up the male ass (regardless of sexual orientation) to a triumphant resurgence after its burial in those sloppy hip-hop pants. 

My point: the ass is a sex magnet that encompasses all orientations. Enjoy it. Work it. Use it. 




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