I've Written a Letter to Daddy

I've Written a Letter to Daddy

Daddy the Magazine

Daddy the magazine, with its clever subtitle "Prime Beef, Aged to Perfection," appeared in late 1989 as a quarterly, digest-sized publication.


The magazine has consistently focused on the erotic appeal of the older man/father-figure and his relationship with a younger man through fiction, artwork, and photographs of models. 

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The Light Is Shining Through

The Light Is Shining Through

I'll start with a cliché: a picture is worth a thousand words. 


Wrong Side of History


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The Big Cock Comes Out: The Courage of DSI Sales in the 1960s

The Big Cock Comes Out: The Courage of DSI Sales in the 1960s

DSI acquitted on obscenity charges! 

Who? What? Where? 

Why would this story make the front cover of the then fledgling gay newspaper, The Advocate, in September 1967? 


The Advocate, September 1967



The 1960s may have been swinging and sexually liberating for some heterosexual segments of the population (were there any openly gay hippies?), but a gay person could still get arrested for kissing a member of the same sex in public, could not join the military (which could be a way to avoid the draft, then going on because of the Vietnam War), and could be fired from a job because of his/her orientation. 

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Work Your Ass, and You'll Get the Guy!

Work Your Ass, and You'll Get the Guy!

No, this is not an incentive to fuck (that could happen later after viewing). 

A co-worker of mine handed me a list he found on the Internet. I don't know how reliable the source is, and issues of what turns people on tend to be vague. In fact, it seems like every hour there's a list that pops up somewhere, ten body parts women find attractive in men, or what a gay guy finds hot on another guy, etcetera, etcetera. 


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"We are UIC, Students and Faculty:" Mad as hell and not taking it any more

"We are UIC, Students and Faculty:" Mad as hell and not taking it any more

Remember that famous scene from Network when Peter Finch urges everyone in America who does not feel valued in a chaotic world to open their windows and yell, “I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!” 


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