I Want a Luxury Bathroom

I Want a Luxury Bathroom


Hottie Filipino-Canadian model Jason Godfrey pulled into a gas station in order to head nature's call. Much to his surprise, this Shell gas station bathroom in Bohol, Philippines resembles a luxurious “den” or “sitting room” that might appear in an upper middle class home in Winnetka, Illinois or the Upper East Side of Manhattan. 

Luxury bathroom in Bohol, Philippines


Oh my goodness: the neatly arranged magazines, the paintings … and according to Godfrey, he heard soft piano music playing and smelt some kind of “menthol” aroma. 

Godfrey said, “This toilet is better than my room. It’s better than my entire apartment actually.” 

Now, some might call this room ridiculous, given its location, but let's think about it: shouldn't the bathroom really be the most important room, anywhere? You can't deny the basic bodily functions that occur there … plus, the Bohol bathroom is a men's bathroom. Yes, a men's room. 

I always thought it rather unfair that, at least from my viewing beginning at young age such rooms in the movies or television, that the ladies' rooms always seemed outright luxurious compared to the men's rooms. Why did the ladies' rooms always contain sofas and chairs and lamps and gilded mirrors … they were places to hang out. You could even take a nap there. 


Luxury ladies room, Valley of the Dolls


We men had to content ourselves with rows of urinals (not that I am denying certain views and subsequent interactions that could occur there), cold tile floors, graffiti carved into the stalls, and brown paper towels. 

Public restroom stalls

(I later found out by asking that in most places the ladies' rooms were far from luxurious. In fact, one woman told me she thought they were actually dirtier than the men's rooms. I didn't check to find out.) 

Now, this type of men's bathroom of course has it's own pornographic public sex appeal (oh, those gloryholes), but I would rather do it in a luxury bathroom. 

I've decorated my bathroom attractively in a palm tree/tropical plant theme, but it's small. There's even a tiny boudoir lamp on the toilet tank. 

But I want a bathroom big enough to contain a settee and maybe a wing chair. Also, I want shelves of live tropical plants, and some music source. Maybe even a TV. The late opera legend Maria Callas in her luxury Parisian mansion had such a bathroom, minus the TV. 


Settee in bathroom

In other words, I should have the option of staying in that room all day. Now, food might be a problem, but maybe I could have a dressing room adjacent to the bathroom with a mini-fridge and a microwave. 

And to complete the fantasy, Jason Godfrey will be on call. 

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