One totally awesome perk for working at the Bijouworld office (it isn't sex) is you never what you might find in the files.
Yes, files, think beige manila folders, not computer directories. We pretty much have anything, yes anything, related to gay sex dating to the beginning of the last century. Just ask!
I was looking for a retrostud to do a blog on for this week, and I pulled a file that contained a list of former jobs of 12 gay “porno” stars, by Leigh Rutledge, author of the book The Gay Decades.
Interestingly enough, these retrostuds didn't just work as the stereotypical bartenders or escorts or strippers.
Al Parker (below) worked as a butler, a video technician, and a personal aide to Hugh Hefner at Playboy magazine.

Keith Anthoni (below) was a waiter, an actor in Pepsi commercials (which one?), a stage actor, and a male stripper.

Steve Scott worked in the publicity department at Universal Studios.
Kip Noll (below) was very blue-collar; he was a machinist, an auto mechanic, and a carpenter.

Roy Garrett (below) was employed as a supervisor in a New Jersey cosmetics factory, as well as doing the bartender/male stripper thing.

Jamie Wingo (below) worked in marketing for a gay advertising agency and also, guess what, stripped.

Jack Wrangler (below) was a child television star with his own NBC series, Faith of Our Children. He also did bit parts on the Mod Squad and Medical Center. If my mother only knew …

Scorpio (below) was a male stripper in straight bars. He tried to get into modeling but found out from an agency that his job as a stripper killed his chances.

Richard Locke (below) worked very diverse jobs. He was a tank commander in the army, a gas station attendant, an insurance claims adjuster, and a baths attendant.

Jayson MacBride (below) danced and sang as a chorus boy. He later enjoyed a successful career in corporate market research.

Mike Davis (below) was a set designer.

Christopher Rage worked as a talent manger for cabaret acts, as a male escort, and then joined an ad agency promoting X-rated films.
I just can't get the picture out of my mind of Al Parker as a butler wearing some tight-fitting livery! One can only dream …
Hope you enjoy this very photogenic blog!