
The Fascination with "Retro"


Lately I've been something of a social media maven for Bijouworld and its ancillaries, Bijou Video and the Bijou Theater. In addition to our Facebook,Twitter, and Tumblr sites, we just started a couple of Pinterest sites, Bijou Vintage Gay History, and Bijou Vintage Gay Erotica. Because we do specialize in vintage (or retro) gay sexuality, I've noticed we seem to be, I guess the term is, “trending.” 

And it's not just the usual older folks sitting on the porch, “I remember when” … I am thinking of the whole Mad Men cult, and even some short-lived show on TLC that featured women trying to live exactly like they were living in the 1950s (kind of like a retro Real Housewives!). 


Mad Men

It's like anything retro exudes some kind of fascination that I think goes beyond nostalgia. I wonder if it's because so much of the retro items we've been posting and repinning were lovingly created. It's not like someone just took a picture with a digital camera. These items, ranging from a late nineteenth century tobacco box, or even a magazine cover from a 1940s muscle magazine, show a real attention to detail and design. Imagine trying to create these items without today's technology. 

Here's a couple of images we either posted or repinned: 


Victorian Mustache Wax


Vim Magazine, November 1940

I'm not saying that art becomes less than great because it's easier to make, but in the social media world, where a post can become ephemeral in one second, our retro images and movies can evoke beauty with a capital B in addition to hot with a small h.


Oh, there is a difference! 







Check out our pinterest sites for more retro items.

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Help! I'm Addicted to Pinterest

Help! I'm Addicted to Pinterest


I've set up some “kick ass” Pinterest boards for Bijouworld in order to increase our social media outreach. 

Last weekend, I was particularly bored, so I decided to use my expertise to set up my own personal Pinterest boards. I spent two days creating pins and repinning and liking pins. Yes, I fear I have become addicted. I've even started doing it from my phone. Yikes! 

So - what is Pinterest and how does it work? According to this article, Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as 'pinning' on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of “pins,” usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned. 

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