It's pretty much a given, that, as humans, we often laugh at what others think is taboo, or in fact, anything that really makes us uncomfortable.
(My students, though technically adults, still laugh at the word toilet.)
The greatest comedians have known that a joke about sex usually gets a laugh, and the best ones don't always have to necessarily be that graphic.
Here are a few zingers from The Big Book of Famous Sex “Quotes.”

A terrible thing happened to me last night – nothing. – Phyllis Diller
Home is heaven and orgies are vile
But you need an orgy once in a while. – Ogden Nash
The perfect lover is one who turns into a pizza at 4 a.m. – Charles Pierce
I know so much about men because I went to night school. – Mae West
Sex is more exciting on the screen and between the pages than between the sheets. – Andy Warhol
Pornography is in the groin of the beholder. – Anonymous
Oral sex: the taste of things to come. – Anonymous