Lately I've been spending too much time on ladders. Literally. I moved house, my next door neighbor and other friends have asked me to help them with projects that involve ladders, and the Bijou Video office moved. All that moving and packing and sorting and fixing and hanging up items usually involves some kind of ladder. Up and down, down and up.
In the Old Testament, the patriarch Jacob supposedly experienced a theophany when he saw angels ascending and descending on what some have claimed is a ladder (or was it a stairway?). Lucky for him.
During sex, one of the participants penetrates the other. And hopefully, orgasm, le petit mort, occurs. Boundaries literally explode. Heaven and earth collide.
And in death, the physical mechanism of life visibly (we can see the results such as rigor mortis) ceases. Whether a soul or spirit actually leaves the body and ascends to a heavenly realm is beyond the scope of this blog. Whatever the case, the primal fear of touching a corpse indicates that humans sense a profound change has occurred. The body eventually disappears, usually descending into the ground; the ladder returns to the closet or storage shed.
I'm going to take a break from literal ladders for a while after almost falling off one, but you can certainly keep enjoying boundary-crossing sex at and
Interesting and provocative thoughts on gay history, gay sexual history, gay porn, and gay popular culture.
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